Hi there!

I’m an advocate for digital privacy end ethical tech, the manager of a little group reading project and an aspiring baker. I also love democracy, watching TV series and playing board games with friends.

Below are some of the public projects I’m currently working on.

Precisely Private

Back in June 2017 I launched Precisely Private, a guide to digital privacy for the general public that I’ve been running ever since.

In April 2021 Precisely Private’s Good Privacy Practices guide earned a mention by the Digital Defence Fund. The DDF is a project established in response to the increased need for security and technology resources in the US abortion rights movement and was among the winners of the 2022 EFF Awards.

Fediverse stats

I’m currently maintaining a Hachyderm Stats spreadsheet (Hachyderm is the Mastodon server that’s currently hosting my main Fediverse profile). In the past I’ve also maintained a Mastodon Stats spreadsheet, which I’ve retired on 27 January 2024.

In December 2022 my Mastodon Stats spreadsheet was mentioned on a blog post by Hilda Bastian, writer at The Atlantic, scientist and cartoonist.

Reach out

You can email me at preciselyprivate [at] proton [dot] me 🔑
You can message me on Matrix @tobiaalberti:matrix.org

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